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Health benefits of drinking Fennel seed soaked drink

We all know that if we put some Fennel seeds in our mouth after eating and chew and swallow its juice, the digestion process will be done properly.

According to health experts, when you suddenly face bloating or gastric problems, if you put some Fennel seeds in your mouth and chew and swallow its juice, you will get immediate relief from such problems.

It is not only gastric, but also many other health problems can be said that Fennel seeds are a solution. Especially if you soak these seeds overnight and drink this drink the next day, you can expect more health benefits. So let's take a look at the health benefits of drinking soaked anise seed water in today's article...

How to make anise drink?

Take a glass of drinking water and add 1 teaspoon of Fennel seeds in it and leave it overnight and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.

Do you know how you can also make tea with Fennel seeds?

Put water and 1 teaspoon of Fennel seeds in a pan and leave it for some time on medium flame. But do not boil. This is because all the nutrients are lost. Boil it until the water turns yellow and drink it two to three times a day.

Benefits of these two drinks

It contains manganese, magnesium and calcium. It also contains fibre and antioxidant properties. Looking at the health benefits...

Good for digestive system

If you are experiencing any problems related to your digestion, you can drink anise soaked water or tea from them every day and get effective health benefits.

It not only keeps your digestive system clean, but also removes the problem of constipation, indigestion and flatulence that you often face.

Reduces blood pressure

Fennel seeds are high in potassium. It regulates blood pressure as well as heart rate.

Very good for eye health

High in vitamin A, Fennel seeds promote the health of your eyes. Gives radiance to the eyes and corrects vision defects. Cataract problem that occurs after aging is removed.

Aids in blood purification

Fennel seeds contain essential oil. It not only removes toxins from the body but also helps in blood purification. As it is rich in nutrients, it helps the body to absorb the nutrients well.

Menstrual pain reliever

It cures the pain or discomfort women face during menstruation or stomach cramps during menopause etc. It also cures the problems of irregular menstruation that many women face.

Body weight regulator

If the metabolism process in your body is slowed down, you can stimulate it by consuming aniseed water and find a solution in body weight control.

It not only keeps your stomach full for longer but also keeps you from consuming unhealthy foods.

Have you ever used Fennel seeds for weight loss?

Get relief from acne

Fennel seeds are very good for your skin health. Because they are rich in antibacterial and antioxidant properties. These can cure your acne. Fennel seeds also come in handy in bringing glow to your facial skin.

A panacea for cancer

Fennel seeds work as a temporary barrier against stomach and skin related cancers and also cures breast cancer. It has antioxidant properties that fight against free radical elements.

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